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Immediately after payment, you will receive a voucher code, which you will then put on one of our vouchers or, for example, at your own gift card. The vouchers are valid for one year.
Use of the voucher: When creating a reservation, enter the voucher code where the value of the voucher will be immediately deducted from the total amount of the reservation. If the voucher is not used up in full, the remaining amount will be transferred to the credit, for which following reservations can be paid. With a gift voucher, you can pay for reservations immediately when making a booking. After entering the voucher code, the value of the voucher will be deducted. If the voucher is not used up, you can use it for other reservations.
Immediately after payment, you will receive a voucher code, which you will then put on one of our vouchers or, for example, at your own gift card. The vouchers are valid for one year. |
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